Debunking Myths About Bariatric Surgery

Debunking Myths About Bariatric Surgery Every now and then, people will make health goals and write down the changes they hope to achieve. One of those goals is to cut weight. Bariatric surgery is an excellent option for people who want to reduce extra weight. Unfortunately, many myths about this treatment are in the middle […]

Is Bariatric Surgery Worth It?

is bariatric surgery worth it? Currently, bariatric surgery is considered by overweight and obese doctors to be one of the best methods of effectively and permanently treating obesity, which has been rampant in the United States since the 1970s. As you can tell even by looking at the people even in your community, this is […]

The Risks and Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

After undergoing bariatric surgery, you should expect to drink clear liquids for the first few days of recovery. Eventually, you will be able to switch to thicker fluids and solids. If you had a band or balloon placed, this will happen much faster than if the intestines were cut. You will likely need IV fluids. […]

What Happens After Bariatric Surgery?

What Happens After Bariatric Surgery? Bariatric surgery works by altering the way the stomach digests food, reducing the amount of fat in your body. Your food will pass through your esophagus, where it will be broken down and pushed down to your intestines. After you have undergone this procedure, you will have to adhere to […]

What to Expect After Weight Loss Surgery

weight loss change your eating

What to Expect After bariatric Surgery During your initial post-op visit after your bariatric surgery , you will be given instructions on what to eat and drink after the surgery. This is the time to avoid spicy and fatty foods, which may cause discomfort and a loss of appetite. You should also try to limit […]

What You Should Know About Bariatric Surgery

After bariatric surgery woman running

What You Should Know About Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is a set of procedures that are performed on obese patients to control their weight. It is one of the most highly effective weight loss surgeries out there. It works by changing the level of hormones produced in the stomach, including the one responsible for hunger […]

Hiatal Hernia Repairs

Dr. Clifton Thomas Bariatric & Hiatal Hernia Reflux Surgery Click here & schedule online same day virtual office visit now Hiatal Hernia Repairs The first thing to do after you have experienced the symptoms of a hiatal hernia is to find a good Hiatal Hernia Surgeon such as Dr. Clifton Thomas. Our specialists will be […]

What to Expect After Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Clifton Thomas Bariatric & Hiatal Hernia Reflux Surgery Click here & schedule online same day virtual office visit now What to Expect After Bariatric Surgery After having bariatric surgery, your body will need several weeks to heal. Your recovery will depend on the type of surgery you have. If your procedure requires a portion […]